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Curhatan, Curasi, Dramatisasi dan Tingkah laku gue sehari-hari yang dikemas dalam tulisan.:P

Curhat 122 - KAG

This KAG things is very spesial for me!! definetely for US!!! :D
This UKM (extracurricular) was created by ourself. It created for accomodated aspirations of students.

First of all Plonk, Yayan, Arga, Joni and I are gathering on the left side of rectorat building. I ask them about what the Ukm they join this semester. Actually Plonk said that we must make UKM for ourself! (UKM = unit kegiatan mahasiswa/extracurricular) this idea are agreed by us and the first activities held on campus (In front of rectorat building) at night. The first member of this UKM are Plonk, Yayan, Arga, Joni, briza and myself (hard to remember -_-").

the member of this extra is increased, the total are 13. they are:

1. Plonk (Alditya) - the leader of this UKM we resfect him most (actually we resfect each other).

2. Yayan_K (Ernanda) - the provocateur in this society.. he always tell us to gathering. 

3. Joni (kresna)

4. Arga

5. Roger (me)

6. Briza

7. Kidd (kidung/mbah)

8. Wigar

9. Kadal (tegar)
10. Erfian

11. Dhingga

12. Haviz

13. Dimas

thats all the member of this Ukm. I hope the member will increased in this new year. 


*writing from heart, to heart

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1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

keren..saya juga sedang mneyelesaikan skripsi mengenai KAG. dtunggu ya.. wkwk

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